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Abig thanx to beer , wine and co for supplying us with our drink ! !

no-one acually drinks this i jst liked the pic .

same wae this one x x
bud- wis- er
leighs kinda shop ! !
a pint a guinness !!
for all the troops that drink cider x x
this ones for me and you gilldo
this ones for buda and cozza (the mad steemers)
this ones for me and you gill !!
ther u go leigh hen a wee pressie for u !
this ones for u hardy,monty,me and and wee gilldo x x
These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
poof juice this is what we use to mix wae our vodka !
These are a few of my favorite photographs from my different travels. Feel free to browse them as you like. If you want one click your right mouse button and choose "Save As" from the menu.
gilldo said that looks like a weasle